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About us

Within the scope of import substitution program in the Russian Federation, Tekhnoservice LLC has successfully launched production of a brand new product aimed at stimulation of agricultural plants growth.

Natural proportion of nutrients, long-lasting effect, slow solubility and balanced distribution make Granulated Wood Ash by Tekhnoservice a perfect solution to both agricultural and environmental issues.

We give back to nature everything that the wood had to absorb.


We give back to nature everything that the wood had to absorb.

- How long ago did your company enter the market?

- We have been in the wood chemical industry since 2007. In 2014, we started developing the new agrochemical trend, specifically dealing with wood ash processing. We have been working quite successfully in this direction, and managed to enter into multiple permanent contracts with our partners from different Russian regions, as well as from Belarus and Finland.

We obtained support from the Arkhangelsk regional government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Trade together with the Ministry of Economic Development. Every year they facilitate our participation in the biggest state exhibitions, such as Golden Autumn in Moscow and Agrorus in Saint Petersburg. Our company has already received vast positive feedback along with acknowledgements of high professionalism: we never fail our customers providing them with excellent quality and considerable output.

- Does it mean that you are now dealing with both wood and agricultural chemistry?

- It does. We used to work only in the field of wood chemistry at the premises of one of the country’s largest enterprises – Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill. Today we have come to realize that ash from wood processing plants can be used as a raw product for a future fertilizer. This is how our Granulated Wood Ash project emerged.

- Is there demand for such a product?

- There definitely is demand, and it keeps picking up. Plenty of companies have already shown their interest, and we have concluded agreements with the companies that are ready to supply gardening stores and large distribution networks with a new product. However, we would also like to work with agricultural enterprises and with farmers.

- Could you right now give an example showing efficient use of granules?

- Absolutely. In the Nordic countries, namely, in Finland, granulated ash is used in forest restoration. Hence, the result: their forests grow very well and dramatically faster than ours do. It would be great to apply the same practices in Russia, which would resolve the ash disposal issues and at the same time substantially improve ecological situation. We shall start small, e.g. test the technology within a single region. Just try to imagine how far-reaching the project might be on a national scale.

Besides, we would like to cooperate with allotment holders, gardeners and landscape designers, since ash is a well-known fertilizer, which in its new and enhanced form is bound to draw attention. We are also open to collaboration with distributors, agents and dealers in the field of agricultural chemistry. In fact, we are ready to adjust to the needs of any potential customer and conduct a business dialogue with them.

- Could you explain the advantage of granules over regular ash?

- About 60-70% of all soils in Russia are so-called acidic soils that demand liming before fertilizer application. Our product will be highly demanded in the regions where such soils prevail. It turns out that we virtually give back to nature everything that the wood had to absorb.

Granulated ash gradually releases nutrients decreasing their losses and making beneficial effect last longer. Importantly, durable effect allows fertilizer to be applied once every two or three years rather than annually. Besides, the granules are more suitable for agricultural machines when it comes to applying them to the soil.

Traditional ash can damage the soil causing a so-called fertilizer burn due to excessive and immediately available fertilizer concentration. Granules, by contrast, dissolve slowly allowing the plants to absorb the right amount of nutrients.

Having examined the properties of granulated ash we found a company, which in laboratory conditions produced 50 kg of granules for us. Based on the samples manufactured we launched the procedures of state registration and licensing. In four years, we have covered a long way that led us to an eagerly anticipated event – we started production in April 2018.

- Are there equivalent products on the Russian market?

- I am absolutely confident that we are the first in the country to use granulated wood ash as a fertilizer. We are used to receiving positive feedback from our colleagues at the exhibitions – people give us credit for developing a new idea and making it come true. Marketing experts are also favorable towards us since our product is already a brand, because ash is a well-known fertilizer in the industry making our idea interesting to promote.

- Are you planning to expand your business, or maybe develop new areas of activity?

- In the nearest future, we are going to produce up to 20 jobs at the new enterprise providing all employees with a complete social benefits package. We will hire new staff as soon as we reach 700 tons in monthly production (we produce 450 tons at the time). In the long term, we are going to launch round-the-clock production, and we want to achieve these targets in two years. Within the ongoing year, we are planning to win support and trust of our potential customers. We are expecting growth of demand in 2019 resulting in the increase of production. As a perfect scenario, we consider balance between sales to agricultural enterprises and distribution networks.

We are ready to present our product on an international scale. We have gone through the licensing procedure, we have a certificate of state registration issued by the Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture, we have the declaration of conformity, safety data sheet and all related documents available upon request. We can say for sure that our product kindles interest in some European countries where environmental issues are taken seriously.

- Where can one buy your product?

Main production facility and finished product warehouse are situated in Arkhangelsk at: Kuznetchikha industrial hub, 1st driveway, building 15, site 1. It is possible to order a trial consignment at the following address:

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